Doesn't it drive you batty when someone either puts "housekeeping items" in the subject or the body of an email? Like, c'mon. Really? Housekeeping? At work? Ok, who left the mugs seeping in the communal sink again? But no, that's not what it all.
Before I start getting slack about putting a Jets shot of Chad Pennington in my header, I'm gonna lay it out there. I like him. He's a great guy...and had a rough go of it in New York, but do you know what? He made it and he did it with dignity. And, he already got scooped up by another team! So much for that noodle arm, eh? Too bad his signing comes from within the AFC East, but you know I'll be rooting for him to throw 17-for-23 for 280 yards, 3 TD and 0 INT when the Dolphins lose to the Jets 24-21 in the regular season.
How stylin' was Team USA walking into the Ceremony? An eight-piece-suit by Ralph Lauren was nothing short of impressive. The RL beret is like the ROOTS beret from 2006 (with sales, marketing, etc.). Think Kanye West had any influence in that decision for sponsorship? As we all know, Ralph Lauren was borin' before he wore 'im.
Before I start getting slack about putting a Jets shot of Chad Pennington in my header, I'm gonna lay it out there. I like him. He's a great guy...and had a rough go of it in New York, but do you know what? He made it and he did it with dignity. And, he already got scooped up by another team! So much for that noodle arm, eh? Too bad his signing comes from within the AFC East, but you know I'll be rooting for him to throw 17-for-23 for 280 yards, 3 TD and 0 INT when the Dolphins lose to the Jets 24-21 in the regular season.
How stylin' was Team USA walking into the Ceremony? An eight-piece-suit by Ralph Lauren was nothing short of impressive. The RL beret is like the ROOTS beret from 2006 (with sales, marketing, etc.). Think Kanye West had any influence in that decision for sponsorship? As we all know, Ralph Lauren was borin' before he wore 'im.
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