Fortunate one...
I am fortunate to have 3M in charge of the "media" decisions of the house. [I guess the term fortunate would be relative. For example, at 10pm on Monday nights when he won't turn over the remote to watch my one guilty pleasure, the one show I long to watch...then it's more of a curse...]
...anyways, if it weren't for him - I would have settled for the Comcast package rather than taking the Verizon Fios one when we moved in [In typical fashion, it's bit of a maverick idea, in the Red Bank area, at least].
I would have missed one of the most important NFL games of the season should we have gone with Comcast. The Jets are traveling up to New England to battle it out for first place in a key AFC East match-up. It's sad so many fans will have no choice but to miss the game.
So - what the heck, NFL network? Stop being such a monopoly. No one really likes that game anyways. It takes too damn long to finish and someone always cheats. Tons of people in the dirty Jerz are upset that they will be missing out on the game. Heck, even US senators are on board with giving the fans more access to their favorite teams!

Ok, maybe that's not the best play on words, but I've had a tough week and don't feel like being creative much right now.
But who knew that two of my loves [football and RR] would collide! During some downtime at work on Sunday, I opened the November issue of Everyday with Rachael Ray. There is a "how-to" column where a professional weighs in on their area of expertise. Who was it this month? BOOMER ESAISON on how to throw a perfect spiral! Not that I'm
a huge fan of his [I don't quite 'get' him...he's a little egotistical and a little strange, like how he gushes over O.A.R..] but I was just ecstatic that two worlds played so nicely with one another!
But who knew that two of my loves [football and RR] would collide! During some downtime at work on Sunday, I opened the November issue of Everyday with Rachael Ray. There is a "how-to" column where a professional weighs in on their area of expertise. Who was it this month? BOOMER ESAISON on how to throw a perfect spiral! Not that I'm

pointless stories
Post-season accollades...
Congrats to David Wright and Carlos Beltran for earning their second and third respective golden glove awards. Quite an accomplishment given the number of decent third and center fielders in the game. If only for each golden glove a team received translated into a slash in the win column. Then the entire post-season script would have been rewritten and we would have celebrated as our team rode over the Verrazano bridge waving their bats to a Killers anthem. (Who, by the way, are coming to NYC January 25th.)
Oh well, there's always next year.
Oh well, there's always next year.
Wordless Wednesday...
Dear Santa,
Due to the nature of the corrupt leaders, businesses and people in recent times, I am led to believe that my own, personal actions over the past year qualify me to be a viable candidate for the "nice" list. Please consider my Christmas list, which can be found below. The items are in no particular order.
Should you have any problems with the files or have trouble locating any of the items, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you so much for your time and enjoy your day!

wordless wed.
Love this...
I have to give a shout out to this mom blogger (who coincidentally is helping me out with work). Her blog is so funny [and organized] and very well-researched. I had to reference today's post to share with you [because, quite frankly, I didn't do this research and it includes some freebies! woo hoo!]...
Chefdruck Musings: Tasty Tuesday - Voting Edition
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Chefdruck Musings: Tasty Tuesday - Voting Edition
Chefdruck Musings: Tasty Tuesday - Voting Edition#links
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